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The third chapter: TZR

The third chapter: TZR published on No Comments on The third chapter: TZR

The new chapter titled TZR  is coming and here is the cover! This time the chapter will be a bit  longer than our earlier chapters. Expect more information about when it starts in the near future.

Meanwhile we wanna thank all our fans. We recently passed the 200 fans mark on Facebook! And the social shares from G+ and Tumblr keeps growing as well.

A special thanks to the three fans that donated so that we can keep the site up. We will be sending all people that donated a special thank you soon.

We could still use some help with donations. So feel free to read more about it here anyone that enjoy what we do.

We will probably have another contest when the first page is published. More about that later!

Btw. How do everyone like our new header? We were thinking of maybe printing it on a shirt or something if people are interested.


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